Find the download option for Color by code kindergarten sight words at the bottom of this article.
If you are looking to teach sight words to your little ones -Color by code, kindergarten sight words would be great for them!!
I have designed these worksheets with a shapes theme to make them more attractive.
Children will read these sight words and color them with the code given. Great way to strengthen their visual discrimination and attention too!
Color by code kindergarten sight words For Kindergarten.
you will find 12 sight words in a total of 4 pages with shapes theme in this activity.
Children will look for sight words and dab them with the correct Color.

Looking for more sight words for kids - Here are a few!!
Sight words Booklet – Read and write the sentences: If you are looking to teach simple sight-word sentences to your little kindergartner, you are in the right place!!
To make it easy for kids, I have designed these sight words books with two sets of sight words.
Click here to download these sight words worksheets right here.
Classic sight words booklet: These would be ideal worksheets for your kindergartner to introduce sight words (20 simple sight words).
Fill in the sight words(is,in, on): I Have made it easy to teach sight words for you in this article. Kids can fill in the blank with correct sight words and complete the sentence.
Lets connect for more worksheets
Download the Color by code kindergarten sight words pdf right here
Look at the preview of the images right here

Download the Color by code kindergarten sight words worksheets pdf right here