IXL is one of the popular subscription-based online learning for kids designed for Jr kindergarten to 12th grade. Students can learn by login to the website or app. I am writing here my honest review on IXL, and I am not a promoter of IXL. Hope my review helps you.
What is IXL:
IXL is a monthly or yearly subscription-based online learning for kids. It provides the option to subscribe one individual subject or a combination of subjects. It offers a family membership or a classroom membership that schools can buy for a group of students.
IXL Pricing?
When I wrote this blog price for single-subject family membership starts at C$12.95/ month or C$99/Year for one child. For more details on pricing visit IXL Pricing
How to get started with IXL?
This is one of the best online learning apps for anyone who wants to practice math, or language skills, or any subject your child need to improve.
To get started with IXL, first, you need to take the membership, and you can buy a membership for each subject or group of subjects for a monthly or yearly. Generally, for an annual subscription is cost-effective.
Select a country and province, mainly where you are in, and you can find the subjects available for you to learn.based on the provincial curriculum. Once you have registered to the site, the whole website for that particular subject allows access for all grades from JK to 12th-grade. For example subscription for math subject enables you to go through all the grades for math subject plus calculus.
My honest IXL review (Canadian version)
I had taken IXL subscription for my kindergartner to strengthen her skills, IXL has Math and English Language Arts subjects in the Canadian version. IXL’s skills are aligned to the provincial Curriculum, providing comprehensive coverage of math concepts and applications. With IXL’s provincial curriculum alignments, you can easily find unlimited practice questions specifically tailored to each learning objective.
IXL math format for kindergartens divided into different categories or topics according to the province curriculum. You can pick a topic and answer the questions.
Each topic is sub-categorized to various exercises as below in the picture.

You can pick the relevant topic and start practicing each session.
Each session will have 13 to 14 questions with a max score of 100. let me make it easy for you. Once you start to answer your questions for the right answer, you ‘ll score up to 10 points. And the score for each question remains the same until your kid reaches 90 points. After you attain this score, your kid ll enter a challenge zone in which the maxim score for a question is 1 point until they get 100.
If the answer is wrong, kid’s ll lose the points, and get the right explanation with correct answer. Once completed the practice, kids receive badges, which is encouragement! My daughter loves this part.
IXL also sends a report to parents with details on session completion and time spent on the app. Parents also can check by login to the parent’s account.
IXL categorizes curriculum based on grades and topics, below pictures might help you to understand better!
There are many online learning sites for kids but I personally feel IXL is one of the well designed platform for children to boost their knowledge. Daily practice for an hour would be an ideal time.
Hope my IXL Review helped, and happy learning!!!