Scroll down to download the for More or less than worksheets for kindergarten here.
In my opinion, practicing the greater than and less than a number is like an assessment test to check children’s counting skills.
When children get enough expertise in counting, the obvious step parents make them learn comparing the numbers, which is a basic introduction to this concept more and less.
Parents can teach this concept with daily examples or with household materials. Practicing with worksheets is another way to make them perfect and enhance their critical math skills when applied practically.
Quick tips for practicing the More or less than worksheets
You can start by merely downloading More or less than worksheets PDF from right here.
Making a number line with 12 numbers on a paper helps them to practice it efficiently.
If your kids are kindergartners, the number line helps them a lot to check the numbers’ order to work it out efficiently.
In this way, kids get to know greater than less than and equal numbers promptly.
One more hard part children might face with the symbols. parents can assist with some easy techniques to make them remember the appropriate symbols for more than or less than, and equal to
When coming to these More or less than worksheets comes under the basic level in counting numbers.
Kids can color the objects which are more in each box (group) and should mention the number in the circle.
Check out Some Hand writing Worksheets For kids
What’s in this book?
Alphabet sentences practice book includes 26pages.
Each page in this booklet contains sentences for every Alphabet from A-Z with pictures.
Kids can Read & trace more than 220 sentences, and a picture accompanied by every sentence helps kids to understand it better.

Download the More or less worksheet pack pdf right here
I have mentioned a set of worksheets to identify the more number and for less number also.
consistent practice let kids perform better with this concept